Horizons International (Asia) 國際視野(亞洲) HIA

EX1.0 Course 
in Australia 



全球穆斯林人口已經超過20億,在澳洲約有82萬多穆斯林人口,佔總人口3.2%,當中有33萬住在Sydney,4.5萬在Adelaide。近年澳州伊斯蘭傳教 “Dawah” 活動亦漸趨活躍和系統化,動員了更多穆斯林,在街道上,大學校園和社區內,傳遞伊斯蘭信息,目標就是你和你的家人,你的下一代。穆斯林傳教中,經常挑戰基督教核心教義,例如三一神論,耶穌不是神只是先知,聖經被刪改等等,澳洲基督徒必須有所裝備,懂得回應,並向本地和世界各地穆斯林見証主道。本課程EX1.0旨在裝備所有基督徒,正確認識伊斯蘭,與基督教有什麼不同,並學習如何向穆斯林分享福音。

The global Muslim population has exceeded 2 billion, and in Australia there are more than 820,000 Muslims 3.2% of the total population, of which 330,000 live in Sydney and 45,000 in Adelaide. Recent years, the Islamic mission “Dawah” activities in Australia have become more active and systematic, mobilizing more Muslims to spread the Islamic message on streets, university campuses, and in the community, targeting you and your family, your next generation. Muslim Dawah teams often challenge core Christian doctrines such as the Trinity that Jesus is not God but a prophet, and the Bible has been changed. Australian Christians need to be equipped to respond and witness to Muslims locally and around the world. This EX1.0 course is designed to equip all Christians with a proper understanding of Islam, how it differs from Christianity, and how to share the Gospel with Muslims.


 EX1.0 課程簡介 Introduction of the course:

1. 為什麼我要愛穆斯林,向他們傳福音? Why should I love Muslims and share Gospel with them?
2. Allah = Yahweh ? 基督教與伊斯蘭教分別 Differences between Allah and Yahweh
3. 認識穆斯林婦女的恐懼 Understanding the Fear of Muslim Women
4. 如何向穆斯林傳福音 How to share Gospel with Muslims?
5. 拆解挑戰,精準回應:聖經被刪改?耶穌不是神?How to response Muslims’ challenges : The Bible is changed & Jesus is not God. 

對象:基督徒 For All Christians 

導師:Edward & Sandy 宣教士, 畢業於澳洲宣教士訓練學院,從2000年開始在伊斯蘭世界中宣教,有13年服侍北非阿拉伯人,2015年開始居住在中亞極端伊斯蘭地區,繼續在穆民中作主的見證,Edward為國際視野(亞洲)創辦人和總幹事,一直致力培訓平信徒,宣教士和教牧,正確認識伊斯蘭,勇於向穆斯林見證主道。從2016年開始舉行EX1.0課程,訓練基督徒走入伊斯蘭群體中服侍,開始了EX Movement。

Speaker : Edward and Sandy. They are from Hong Kong and have graduated from Missionary Training College in Australia. Since 2000, they have been serving among Muslims in North Africa and Central Asia. Edward is the founder of Horizons International (Asia) focusing on reaching out Muslims and equipping Christians for this with the Biblical Truth and boldness. This course has been training Christians since 2016 and starting an EX movement, a movement for sharing Gospel with Muslims.  

*名額有限,必須報名,不設現場報名。請填本頁最下方的報名表,每個課程內容一樣,選一個日子便可。Please fill the Application form as below. *

EX1.0 Sydney

合辦教會 :


3:00pm – 6:00pm

語言 : 廣東話授課
對象 : 基督徒

上課地點 : East Lindfield NSW


EX1.0 Adelaide

合辦教會 : 澳亞基督教會


2024年9月15日  星期日

2:00pm – 4:00pm

2024年9月21日  星期六

10:00am – 12:00pm

語言 : 廣東話授課
對象 : 基督徒

上課地點 : Morphett Street, Adelaide
實習佈道 : 9月21日 下午

報名表 Application Form 

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