Horizons International (Asia) 國際視野(亞洲)
HIA出版書籍 / 書坊
HIA 書籍
接觸穆斯林 ($80)
「《接觸穆斯林》一書是一本帶著愛與真理的書。作者按著他四十多年向穆斯林朋友見證主的經驗,藉著大量真實的例子講述他如何以誠實的愛心去接觸他們,看見神奇妙的工作。同樣,作者堅守聖經真理,指出基督徒要避開對伊斯蘭的迷誤、過度的認同,而墮進淡化真理的危機中,讓所接觸到的穆斯林失去了福音。這是一本值得小心閱讀的好書。」——蕭壽華牧師 「作者嘗試糾正很多人對伊斯蘭的誤解,精簡的介紹了伊斯蘭信仰的內容,又指出了那些帶著阿拉伯文化色彩的穆斯林生活習慣和思想模式,實用且重要。書中後半部有關與穆斯林相處的建議和提醒,若能整理成一份在阿拉伯人中事奉的檢資料,相信有助事奉的方向和策略。」——羅惠強先生「記得在神學院修讀密集伊斯蘭教課程(Islamic studies),老師推薦數本必讀的好書,其中一本就是Engaging Islam。現得悉新生資源中心將這書翻譯成中文,實難能可貴。願更多華人信徒從這中文版得著幫助和益處。」——劉卓聰傳道
喬治思.侯士尼 (Georges Houssney)
喬治思.侯士尼(Georges Houssney),在黎巴嫩出生和成長。他的心理學、語言學和跨文化研究景,幫助他完成兩本阿拉伯文書籍、阿拉伯文和庫爾德文的《聖經》翻譯工作、與大衞庫克基金會合作的本地阿拉伯文研究課程,以及十三年來出版的《關心穆斯林世界》。他到過九十八個國家,並有四十年佈道、門徒訓練和教會植堂的經驗,因此他發展了兩個訓練計劃:給教會會友和宣教士的「接觸伊斯蘭」,以及給穆斯林背景基督徒的「從幼獅到獅子」。作為國際視野的創辦人和會長,喬治思與他的家人和全球員工,致力喚醒教會去承擔勇敢傳揚福音給萬民的工作。
伊斯蘭,基督教,真理 ($120)
伊斯蘭,基督教,真理 ($120)
哪位神 ($80)
愛穆主僕 (Abdul Hab)
筆者前後用了三四十年的鑽研與編撰功夫以完成此書,主要目的是為裝備普世漢語基督教會教牧領袖與基督門徒,共同承擔普世最大福音未及之穆斯林群體的福音使命〔一般稱之為回宣/ 穆宣/ 穆福/ 慕福〕;同時祈盼借著拙著裝備有心於穆宣的基督門徒,得以比較深入地認識伊斯蘭,有助於排除一些與穆民在信仰交接與對話中的障礙疑難,以便引領慕道者歸信基督。
愛穆主僕 (Abdul Hab)
筆者前後用了三四十年的鑽研與編撰功夫以完成此書,主要目的是為裝備普世漢語基督教會教牧領袖與基督門徒,共同承擔普世最大福音未及之穆斯林群體的福音使命〔一般稱之為回宣/ 穆宣/ 穆福/ 慕福〕;同時祈盼借著拙著裝備有心於穆宣的基督門徒,得以比較深入地認識伊斯蘭,有助於排除一些與穆民在信仰交接與對話中的障礙疑難,以便引領慕道者歸信基督。
HIA 推薦參考書
Engage Muslims with Christ ($200)
God wants the nations to know Christ—so He has brought them to your doorstep. You encounter Muslims in your neighborhood, school, grocery store, and workplace. Muslims are more open to the Good News than we realize, but there are cultural and spiritual issues that can hinder your sharing of the Gospel. Engage is a dynamic, interactive course of study that will empower your witness to Muslims. Presented by Horizons International and put together by some of the most experienced evangelists and experts working with Muslims in America and around the world today, the Engage Course will coach you to engage in life-transforming conversations with the Muslims living, working, and studying in your community and beyond. Visit www.engagecourse.org for more information and online resources.
Born and raised in Lebanon, Georges Houssney’s background in psychology,linguistics, and intercultural studies has contributed to the production oftwo books in Arabic, Bible translation projects in Arabic and Kurdish, an indigenous Arabic Bible study curriculum in cooperation with David. C. Cook
Foundation, and the thirteen-year publication of ReachOut to the Muslim
His travels to ninety-eight countries and his forty years of experience in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting have culminated in the development of two training programs: Engaging Islam, for church members and missionaries, and Cubs to Lions, for Christians from Muslim backgrounds. As founder and president of Horizons International, Georges, along with his family and global staff members, strives to awaken the Church to the task of boldly proclaiming the Gospel to the nations.
Chrislam ($100)
“信了主,仍然可以自稱穆斯林”,“在清真寺中敬拜耶穌”,“為要得着穆斯林,聖經要重新翻譯,刪改當中的『父』『子』『神兒子』”⋯⋯深入探討差會和宣教士如何推動“局內人運動 Insider Movement”,並指出當中的危機。
A collection of essays written by various missionaries, scholars and national believers describing the nature, danger, and problems with the increasingly popular method of outreach to Muslims, often referred to as the Insider Movement, C5, or Chrislam.
Joshua Lingel is the president of i2 Ministries, apologist and trainer for numberous catalytic movements in Asia, Africa and South America with training. Since 1999, LIngel has been an adjunct professor at Biola University teaching Christian Apologetics to Islam. He has served as co-director & academic mentor for SWAD, a Ravi Zacharias International MInistries program for PhD students in Islamic Studies. Joshua has MS’s Islamic Societies and Cultures (SOAS at University of London. He is the founder of the Insider Movements: A Critical Assessment conferences.
Chrislam ($100)
“信了主,仍然可以自稱穆斯林”,“在清真寺中敬拜耶穌”,“為要得着穆斯林,聖經要重新翻譯,刪改當中的『父』『子』『神兒子』”⋯⋯深入探討差會和宣教士如何推動“局內人運動 Insider Movement”,並指出當中的危機。
A collection of essays written by various missionaries, scholars and national believers describing the nature, danger, and problems with the increasingly popular method of outreach to Muslims, often referred to as the Insider Movement, C5, or Chrislam.
Joshua Lingel is the president of i2 Ministries, apologist and trainer for numberous catalytic movements in Asia, Africa and South America with training. Since 1999, LIngel has been an adjunct professor at Biola University teaching Christian Apologetics to Islam. He has served as co-director & academic mentor for SWAD, a Ravi Zacharias International MInistries program for PhD students in Islamic Studies. Joshua has MS’s Islamic Societies and Cultures (SOAS at University of London. He is the founder of the Insider Movements: A Critical Assessment conferences.
Challenging Islamic Traditions ($100)
Dr Bernie Power 是聖訓集權威,為你分析它的成典過程和問題,進階者必讀。
The Hadith are Islam’s most influential texts after the Qur’an. They outline in detail what the Qur’an often leaves unsaid. The Hadith are a foundation for Islamic law and theology and a key to understanding the worldview of Islam and why many Muslims do the things they do. This book subjects the Hadith to a critical analysis from a biblical perspective. In a scholarly and respectful way, it exposes significant inconsistencies within these ancient documents and highlights potential problems with the Muslim–Christian interface.
Bernie Power holds degrees in science, arts, and theology, and his doctorate focused on the Hadith. He spent over twenty years as an Interserve partner living and working among Muslims in Asia and the Middle East. Currently he lectures in Islamic studies at the Melbourne School of Theology, Australia.
Engaging Islam ($100)
Engaging Islam alerts Christians to the challenges and opportunities of reaching Muslims worldwide. Learn how to engage Muslims, understand them on a personal level, and gain an understanding of the role we have as Christians to boldly preach the gospel with conviction. Inspirational stories of transformation and personal testimonies will touch your heart and encourage you to engage Muslims like never before.
喬治思.侯士尼(Georges Houssney),在黎巴嫩出生和成長。他的心理學、語言學和跨文化研究景,幫助他完成兩本阿拉伯文書籍、阿拉伯文和庫爾德文的《聖經》翻譯工作、與大衞庫克基金會合作的本地阿拉伯文研究課程,以及十三年來出版的《關心穆斯林世界》。他到過九十八個國家,並有四十年佈道、門徒訓練和教會植堂的經驗,因此他發展了兩個訓練計劃:給教會會友和宣教士的「接觸伊斯蘭」,以及給穆斯林背景基督徒的「從幼獅到獅子」。作為國際視野的創辦人和會長,喬治思與他的家人和全球員工,致力喚醒教會去承擔勇敢傳揚福音給萬民的工作。
Engaging Islam ($100)
Engaging Islam alerts Christians to the challenges and opportunities of reaching Muslims worldwide. Learn how to engage Muslims, understand them on a personal level, and gain an understanding of the role we have as Christians to boldly preach the gospel with conviction. Inspirational stories of transformation and personal testimonies will touch your heart and encourage you to engage Muslims like never before.
喬治思.侯士尼(Georges Houssney),在黎巴嫩出生和成長。他的心理學、語言學和跨文化研究景,幫助他完成兩本阿拉伯文書籍、阿拉伯文和庫爾德文的《聖經》翻譯工作、與大衞庫克基金會合作的本地阿拉伯文研究課程,以及十三年來出版的《關心穆斯林世界》。他到過九十八個國家,並有四十年佈道、門徒訓練和教會植堂的經驗,因此他發展了兩個訓練計劃:給教會會友和宣教士的「接觸伊斯蘭」,以及給穆斯林背景基督徒的「從幼獅到獅子」。作為國際視野的創辦人和會長,喬治思與他的家人和全球員工,致力喚醒教會去承擔勇敢傳揚福音給萬民的工作。
No God But One: Allah or Jesus ($140)
Having shared his journey of faith in the New York Times bestselling Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi now examines Islam and Christianity in detail, exploring areas of crucial conflict and unpacking the relevant evidence.
In this anticipated follow-up book, Nabeel reveals what he discovered in the decade following his conversion, providing a thorough and careful comparison of the evidence for Islam and Christianity–evidence that wrenched his heart and transformed his life.
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi recounted his dramatic journey, describing his departure from Islam and his decision to follow Christ. In the years that followed, he realized that the world’s two largest religions are far more different than they initially appeared.
No God but One: Allah or Jesus? addresses the most important questions at the interface of Islam and Christianity: How do the two religions differ? Are the differences significant? Can we be confident that either Christianity or Islam is true? And most important, is it worth sacrificing everything for the truth?
Nabeel shares stories from his life and ministry, casts new light on current events, and explores pivotal incidents in the histories of both religions, providing a resource that is gripping and thought-provoking, respectful and challenging.
Both Islam and Christianity teach that there is No God but One, but who deserves to be worshiped, Allah or Jesus?
Nabeel Qureshi is a speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He holds an MD from Eastern Virginia Medical School, an MA in Christian apologetics from Biola University, and an MA in religion from Duke University.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus ($120)
An Unexpected Journey from Islam to Christianity
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi describes his dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity, complete with friendships, investigations, and supernatural dreams along the way.
Providing an intimate window into a loving Muslim home, Qureshi shares how he developed a passion for Islam before discovering, almost against his will, evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and claimed to be God. Unable to deny the arguments but not wanting to deny his family, Qureshi’s inner turmoil will challenge Christians and Muslims alike.
Engaging and thought-provoking, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man’s heart—and of the peace he eventually found in Jesus.
“I have seldom seen such genuine intellect combined with passion to match … truly a ‘must-read’ book.”
–Ravi Zacharias
Nabeel Qureshi (April 13, 1983 – September 16, 2017)was a speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He holded an MD from Eastern Virginia Medical School, an MA in Christian apologetics from Biola University, and an MA in religion from Duke University.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus ($120)
An Unexpected Journey from Islam to Christianity
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi describes his dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity, complete with friendships, investigations, and supernatural dreams along the way.
Providing an intimate window into a loving Muslim home, Qureshi shares how he developed a passion for Islam before discovering, almost against his will, evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and claimed to be God. Unable to deny the arguments but not wanting to deny his family, Qureshi’s inner turmoil will challenge Christians and Muslims alike.
Engaging and thought-provoking, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man’s heart—and of the peace he eventually found in Jesus.
“I have seldom seen such genuine intellect combined with passion to match … truly a ‘must-read’ book.”
–Ravi Zacharias
Nabeel Qureshi (April 13, 1983 – September 16, 2017)was a speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He holded an MD from Eastern Virginia Medical School, an MA in Christian apologetics from Biola University, and an MA in religion from Duke University.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus 再版 ($250)
An Unexpected Journey from Islam to Christianity
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi describes his dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity, complete with friendships, investigations, and supernatural dreams along the way.
Providing an intimate window into a loving Muslim home, Qureshi shares how he developed a passion for Islam before discovering, almost against his will, evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and claimed to be God. Unable to deny the arguments but not wanting to deny his family, Qureshi’s inner turmoil will challenge Christians and Muslims alike.
Engaging and thought-provoking, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man’s heart—and of the peace he eventually found in Jesus.
“I have seldom seen such genuine intellect combined with passion to match … truly a ‘must-read’ book.”
–Ravi Zacharias
Nabeel Qureshi is a speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He holds an MD from Eastern Virginia Medical School, an MA in Christian apologetics from Biola University, and an MA in religion from Duke University.
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